Thursday, October 24, 2013

24 October 2013


Of course, leading the list has to be my family, kids, grand kids, of course they are all grand - and the events involving any of them.  But I have been thinking of other things:

I miss the privilege of paying tithing.  I miss filling out those slips, assigning my money to the tithing fund, knowing where my  little amount of tithing will go, knowing I can attend the temple, tithing being one of the requirements, giving it to the bishop or counselor.  That is a blessing that I have not had for over one year.

Of course with paying tithing, I also miss the privilege of paying an honest, "good" fast offering.  I know that the funds will go to those who are in need, more than I am.  I miss being involved in that effort of the church. I miss being involved with  my bishop, knowing him, giving him my support while he leads a ward.  

I miss being a part of a ward.  We are visiting wards each Sunday, thus visiting 25 differnt wards and branches throughout our mission.  Thus, we cannot be close to anyone, help, be taught by, motivated by, and enjoy the little chidren.  That is part of our mission, thus this is a blessing that we cannot have right now.

I miss home teaching.  Bishop, I have not home taught for over one year.  I have taught, but not home taught according to the teaching of our church.  I miss going into a home, getting to know and love those I visit monthly.  

I miss drivers who obey the rules, roads that don't have things sticking out of the holes in the center of the road, roads that have the man hole covers still in tact, rather than always having to avoid holes where they should be, fearing losing our car in one of them.  

I miss quiet.  Every night we have to sleep through pounding noises, dogs barking, car alarms going off, noised above us and below us, loud parties through all hours of the night, and roosters crowing all the time, day and night.  

I miss snow, cold, and the seasons, for we do not have them here.  What is that white stuff?

Monday, October 21, 2013

20 October, 2013

I recently said we were going to blog more, for we have much to say.  But THINGS got in the way.  We still have much to say, but it will be coming later, rather than sooner.  

Miracle #13 Musings from the purple one.

Between 11:30 pm Tuesday night, Oct. 15th and Wednesday morning, before 6:30 am someone(s) entered our apartment while we slept and stole our laptop, our cell phone, my ipod and some cash.  The door to our apartment was unlocked from the inside and no forced entry was evident.  Whether they had a key or we somehow forgot to lock the door, who knows?  There is a locked door to the building that requires a key as well.  Thankfully, we slept soundly through it all.  Confronting robbers in the middle of the night is not a happy thought.  They were obviously in a hurry to grab what they could quickly…things they knew could easily be sold.  They opened my purse and took out about 1,000 pesos ($25) and Bill’s wallet had about 1500 pesos ($37) only.  They left our passport copies, driver’s license copies, the originals are stored elsewhere), credit cards, Temple recommends.    My violin was in a bedroom untouched.  We had more money in the bedroom where we slept so we don’t think they were wanting to find everything nor awaken us.  Tender mercies.  

Shock, dismay, disbelief, and then slowly the realization that so much of our lives as missionaries for the past year just walked out the door.  Sadly we had no backup program in use (though we had talked about getting one and I had a sense of urgency about that.  Our son-in-law Jacob was planning to bring down a flash drive to back up our files when he and Missy visit in November.)  Whoops, "too late, had our chance, muffed it!"  44G of photos, music, videos, journal documents and such are gone. Thank goodness that at least we have this blog.

Yeah, I've been through the full range of emotions from tears, to fears, to anxiety, to a sense of being violated and vulnerable, to anger (I really wanted to hit someone (where was Ouiser Boudreaux when I needed her!) and finally to profound gratitude for our safety.  Thankfully, that emotion that has been overarching all others.  Now I'm working on that pesky little thing called forgiveness.  That's a tougher one...but when I think of how poor most of these people are, I can hold out some hope that "our" robbers used the money for something they needed more than we needed our memories in living color and surround sound. 
The loss of my little ipod was a killer because I listen to music or Spanish Lessons or my violin lessons  almost every morning on my walks.  Music can be recovered with time from home, Spanish lessons can be put on another ipod when I have one and though I lost some violin lessons that weren't on my jump drive, Sister Douglas reminds me that she's still here and we have 5 months of lessons still to do.  Maybe it's a good thing I don't have proof of all that squawking I've been doing.

Today, we went to the little barrio in Hato del Yaque, to visit the YSA's. Yes, we're still smiling!


The Primary had their program.  As the children performed I imagined each of my primary-aged grandchildren...only with brown faces.  It was so sweet and I felt that healing balm that comes from children and music.  I fell in love with these sweet Dominicans again.  I needed that.  

My scripture reading the past few days has been in 3rd Nephi, the Savior's visit.  I'm teaching this for the next 3 weeks in my BOM class.  So wonderful.  I read again, "Lay not up for yourselves treasures on earth where moth and dust doth corrupt and thieves break through and steal...but lay up for yourselves treasures in heaven..."  I've pondered much about my treasures in heaven.  I'm so grateful for them, for all of my loved ones, for this wonderful opportunity to serve a mission, for the young adults and their testimonies and devotion, for the chance to be part of their lives, for the memories locked in my heart, for my sweet Billy, for our safety, and most importantly, for my abiding testimony of my Savior Jesus Christ, for His Atonement and for the love of my Father in Heaven.  No thieves can ever take those from me!  In our Devotional on Friday we sang "Did You Think to Pray." Verse 3 was for me.  "Did you plead for grace my brother, that you might forgive another, who has crossed your way." I promised my class that I would plead for grace...after all, I am in need of as much forgiveness as they are, and I can't receive it if I can't give it.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

MIRACLES ---- 9 October 2013

MIRACLE  #  12             The Story of Chester  (Not sure this qualifies as a miracle…only time will tell…)

When we arrived in our new apartment, a local dog, we affectionately named Chester, loved to bark for hours at a time during the night.  When we asked our cute little Antonio, the maintenance man about it, he just shrugged his shoulders.  No one else seemed bothered by it.  We concluded that they are either deaf, or have learned to tune out the endless barking (along with the endless drone of car alarms, roosters, more dogs, loud music, dominoes and singing).   We tried earplugs, shutting the windows, keeping the fan going all night…all to no avail.  We called out the window , “Chester, shut up!”  Or “Callate!”  He ignored us.  Then I tried a new approach.  I opened the window, called out in a soft but firm voice, “Chester…pare!”  (That means STOP)  That seemed to work for a while.   Some nights he would shut right up and others he would just keep on howling at the moon or whatever was out there.  He’s a large dog with a very low penetrating bass voice who might fit nicely into my Dominican choir. 

Over the ensuing months, I have tried talking to him before we go to bed and just laying it out, “Chester, there’s no need to bark tonight.  Please just be calm and let us sleep.”  That has worked many nights.  Plus our granddaughter Katie said, “Why don’t you just pray.”  We have been doing that regularly.  And it’s been helping a lot!  For the last few weeks, I’ve wanted to blog about how well Chester is doing and as soon as I say that, he has a terrible night and so do we.  Lately, if he starts in before we go to bed, I’ve been importuning (out the window), “Chester, hey, that’s not necessary tonight.”  Or, “Hey Chester, what’s up, buddy?”  Or, “Now, Chester.  Those people sitting around at the ball park across the street are going to be noisy tonight, they’ll be laughing and singing out of tune, drunk as skunks but let’s just ignore them… K?”  He usually looks up at my window, barks twice and stops.”  It’s been great! 

My friend Dawn has a lovable dog (even for me...and y’all know how I feel about dogs in general) named Marley.  Dawn’s advice was “Just go down there and give him a bone.”  I thought about trying to make friends with him during the day but then I figured if he saw me and heard me and put two and two together, he would realize that this voice with quiet authority coming down from “above” just belonged to a little old grandma and he’d probably lose all respect for my authority and bite me!  

Also, we can almost set our clocks by his early morning barks at the paper boy on his moto.  That’s at 5:00 AM and then normally about 5:30 there are walkers going down the street and he likes to bark at them.  I haven’t bothered him about this because I figure if he stays quiet until 5…we’re good.  And besides, he needs to bark!  Otherwise he’ll explode!

Well, 4 days ago, we didn’t hear him in the morning.  Very unusual.  There’s another dog in the neighborhood who likes to chat with Chester in the mornings and he was barking up a storm but no answer from Chester.  Then that night, nothing.  Nor the next night, nor the next.  Now I’m starting to worry.  “Did he die?  (I admit I have wished him dead a few times…and I’ve had evil thoughts about stun guns and such…but)  Is he sick?  Is he in the hospital?  Did he move away to terrorize another unsuspecting neighborhood?   I really sincerely hoped that no one ran over him because he often chases cars, too.  Anyway, still no sign of Chester.  Bill thought he heard 2 barks from him yesterday, but I think it was another dog…more a baritone than Chester.  I know I should be relieved, but I’m feeling a tad guilty.  And I sort of miss our little visits before bed.  I thought maybe he was really listening to me.  He was getting to be rather obedient.  I was starting to feel powerful.  And that, my friends, is a heady thing for any woman to feel.  J 

And now for the rest of the story.  He’s back!  He greeted us and the paper boy early this morning.  It was too good to be true and I guess my guilt "was in vain for nothing!"  Must have been vacationing at the beach with the family…you know…

 frolicking in the ocean...

...or catching some rays at the pool


...or trying out that new surf board.

           I guess dogs are people, too!

At any rate, he’s back with a vengeance (no, he didn’t go to obedience school or even some sensitivity-training-camp-for-dogs to learn how to be more courteous.  No, it’s back to square one.  Or maybe square two.  Last night he ignored me at midnght but at the 2 am barkfest, when I went to the window and quietly but very firmly said, “Chester…..PARE!” he stopped immediately  Ahh….Pavlov called it!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

MIRACLES ---- 9 October 2013

MIRACLE  #  11

I have taught all my life.  I taught Gospel Doctrine for about ten years.  I have taught High Priests, Young Single Adults, Youth, and so many other groups.  I love to teach.  However, I will never get tired of teaching the scriptures.  (I will never get tired of teaching period.)  (But the scriptures.... WOW)

The last two semesters, I was privileged to teach the Book of Mormon.  The spirit that accompanied the lesson manual, the student manual,and especially the spirit that accompanies the teaching of those lessons was phenomenal. Tonight, I just finished teaching the Doctrine Covenants.  (Just started teaching this course in September.)  The Spirit that does along with teaching the scriptures, the word of God is such a spiritual experience.

We have church manuals, quotations from the prophets and apostles, and so much information,  it is a joy to study, prepare and present these lessons.  We fill our minds with the information contained in the prepared manuals, read all we can, and then stand in front of these vibrant, "hungry" and dedicated students, and then listen to the spiritual direction. It never fails, the Spirit  dictates what the students need to hear, and all we are is instruments in sharing what we have prepared, and presenting the lessons, the teachings with the Holy Ghost. 

It is like we are told in the Doctrine and Covenants, we are told to open our mouths, and it will be filled. What a joy this mission is, to study, prepare, grow closer to the word of God, be used as instruments in sharing, and bearing strong testimony to these young giants of youth of the latter days.  After a lesson, Sister Partridge and I both can almost record the principles that were brought out of our mouths that the kids, or even one of the kids needed to hear.  The Spirit bears witness to our soul what to be said, and  how to say it.  Being used as a tool is such a glorious privilege.  

I taught tonight D and C 25, about Emma Smith.  The Spirit bore witness what an elect lady she was, and is. I gleaned such a respect for her after teaching about her with  the Spirit.  It taught me as much as it did the students.  That is what teaching the scriptures is all about.  Oh the joy of teaching the truth, especially to young, interested, vibrant, leaders of tomorrow.  

I am living my dream, teaching....  Miracle, of course!

8 October 2013

As I look at the history  of this blog, when we first arrived here, we did many blogs, to let everyone know what was going on here.  Well, then we slowed down to maybe four to five each month.  Well, with our time running out, (but who's counting) we both feel the need to record many things on our blog.  So those who read our blog, brace yourself, for we are going to post more than we have.  But of course that doesn't necessarily  mean you will have to read them, but more will be coming in the upcoming days/weeks/months/years.  Or perhaps we just have more to say  than we did before?  Or perhaps ..... who knows....  

Monday, October 7, 2013

MIRACLES ---- 7 October 2013

MIRACLE  #  10

Sister P here.  Some of you know that I’ve been plagued off and on through the past year with sciatic pain, chiefly on my left side radiating from my hip down my leg.  It’s that sciatic nerve that is irritated by a deteriorating disc in my back.  After several months of constant discomfort, often sleepless nights, I discovered some Pilates stretches that have helped a ton.  Along with a small pillow behind my back in the car.  I’ve even started taking a little pad to church to put behind my back on the hard benches.  Sitting aggravates it the most.  Walking and stretching help. 

For many months of our mission, going up and down stairs has been incredibly difficult, painful and slow-going.  I can see the wisdom in the new directive to have senior couples in apartments with elevators whenever possible.  Ours in on the 3rd floor with no elevator but we love it anyway.  

I couldn’t give up my awesome windows letting in so much wonderful light... 

nor the view of the ball park across the street!

After months of stretching and exercising and walking, my sciatic pain was finally alleviated.  In fact, just last week I reminded Bill of how slow I used to be going up and down the stairs, using the same foot on each step...and carrying groceries…well…you get the picture.  (It wasn’t pretty!)  But it’s been a long time since I had to do that and waking up at night in pain has become a thing of the past….

Until this last week.  All of sudden, out of the blue, I got sciatic pain again, this time in my right leg!  ERG!  It came fast and hard.  I could hardly walk at all.  I was baffled about what had caused it.  Why now?  Why the right leg?  All my exercises and stretches are for both legs.  Anyway, Thursday the 3rd I was in a lot of pain.  I couldn’t do my normal walking or exercises or Pilates at all.  Sleeping was bad.  I couldn’t lie on either side and my back ached from being on my back all night.  Sorry about all this whining but the background is necessary…

Friday we needed to teach and then help Breton with refreshments for his 32 Seminary teachers coming for In-Service Training at the Institute.   I was hobbling pretty badly when we arrived.  He wanted to know what was happening.  I told him it was sciatic pain.  He knew what that was because he suffers from it occasionally, too.  Bill asked if he would help give me a blessing.  Breton anointed me in Spanish and Bill gave me a sweet blessing (in English…thank you!) and promised that I would get better quickly and that I would know how to take care of my body and be able to resume my duties soon.  I really felt during the prayer that I would have a miracle. I thought about Jesus healing the man at the pool of Bethesda and that I would be able to “take up my bed and walk.” Breton was ready to send us home and make do without us but I insisted on staying.  I sat in my corner of the office for a while and did final preparation for our class.  When I stood up, I felt almost no pain and when we left at lunch-time to buy stuff for sandwiches, I was feeling so much better.  I lay down after lunch with a heated corn bag and thought about my mother. J Corn bags were her best friends! 

We taught that night .  I felt so much gratitude that I could stand and share our message and I testified to our little class of the reality of Heavenly Father loving us and watching over each of us and when we sang “I’ll go where you want me to go” for the closing song, I knew Heavenly Father knew that I wanted to serve him here, today and He blessed me that I could.  We prepared the food and then came home a little early.  I used heat and rest for the next 3 days.  Thankfully we had wonderful General Conference to watch when our internet was fast enough and we could listen loud and clear when it wasn't.  It was glorious!  I modified my exercises, walked a  little Saturday morning and this morning and today I feel so good.  Up and down the stairs with alternating feet!  What a blessing!  I’m so grateful for the power of the Priesthood and faith and for the love of so many who continue to pray for our well-being.  We feel your prayers!  Bless you all!

Thursday, October 3, 2013

2 October 2013


I was sitting in the car, waiting for the light to change, after delivering my companion off for her violin lesson, when I looked around me.  There in front of my car were many, people trying to sell me stuff. They are at every intersection marketing different wares, fruit, windshield wipers, lottery tickets, avocados, newspapers, etc.  I also looked at the pine trees in front of me and realized I am in a foreign country.  The I looked at the corner through the intersection an saw a sign KFC.  Sure enough the Colonel Sanders was there selling chicken.  The US is here, in a slightly different form, etc.  (No need to define the Domincan food, but there is a TGIF, a Tony Romas, Taco Bell, Dominos, Quiznos, McDonalds, Burger King, Pizza Hut, etc.)

I was driving home and was reminded of our maintenance man.  He is often seen sweeping the dirt.  He is also seen scrubbing down our parking pad with soap and water when our cars are not there.  He is seen sweeping up the leaves that fall on the walk in front of our apartment.  People down here are fanatic about having their homes clean.  Then as you drive a block or  two away, you are confronted with a smell of garbage.  There in front of you is a stack of garbage sacks that is piled about as high as a small home.  I am not  kidding. The smell is awful.  (I have seen some people going through the pile searching for "goods".)  The good, the bad, and the ugly... Yes we have it here.

 We really have seen a stack of garbage, like shown below, up to the top of the cement wall, from the corner to the green garbage bins.  We just didn't get a picture

Then as I was driving home, I was behind a spankin' new BMW, or Audi, or whatever those expensive cars are.  (I wouldn't know.)  They must have driven off the show room floor, not an ounce of dirt or scratch on it, etc.  There IS money down here, for the privileged (or wicked) few.  And right next to it was an old 1972 thing that was still running that didn't have a place anywhere without a dent, scratch, or anywhere with the same color as the rest of the car, it must have just come out of the demolition derby, but still running.

Time.  We have a member of the church who is our fumigator.  He comes once a month to spray for bugs, and especially cock roaches (to save my companion).  He wears a mask so be won't breath the fumes.  We shut the place up, all windows closed to kill all bugs that happen  to be hiding.  It is an awful smell.  After he sprays we go away for a time, then come home, open all the windows, clean up the spills or excess fumigation spray laying on the floor.  Anyway, he arrives at exactly the time he said he would.  I am impressed.  For when we teach our five o clock class, we seldom start before 5:15 or 5:20, because if we did, no one would be there.  We once went to a baptism which was scheduled to start at 6.  We finally started at 7:45.  It is a difficult lesson I have had to learn about scheduling, for it goes contrary to my makeup, not being on time, or at least trying to be on time.  This country doesn't know the meaning of punctuality, or being on time.

There are many things to contrast here, but I won't go into the rest for you would get bored.  But they are here....